Not all watercraft are the same size. Kayaks are specifically designed to work best in different locations like the ocean, river, lake, or pond. You need gear that will provide you with all the means of getting your favorite craft on and off the water by yourself quickly and safely.
When you are ready to launch your kayak, don’t forget to bring along THE A.D.S. This highly durable drag strap is fully adjustable to fit whatever size kayak you may be using at the length you need. This cuts down on your setup and break down so you can spend those precious hours you want on the water fishing, floating, or for whatever adventure you have planned. Sometimes you need a little extra length for those steep load-outs. Adjust the ADS on the fly to fit your needs whether you're launching, dragging, sitting or standing. With the Adjustable Drag Strap, you get four different uses, all in one strap!
Your back will thank you when you use THE A.D.S.. Simply attach the stainless steel cam buckle to the front handle of your kayak, slide the end through the cam buckle, then grab the handle and lift! You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to move your kayak.
More flexibility. More lift. More control from the tools you need to remove chaos and frustration from your next outdoor trip. Purchase THE A.D.S. today!